Turn-key Wine Industry Services.
"...We wanted to import large volumes of the best California wines for our retail chain in China, and thought we would have to deal with many companies to fulfill our need. From finding the right grapes at the right price, to wine-making, bottling, label design and shipment, H&H did it all. The folks at H&H are amazing."​
- Peter Hu
Vice President
Shrone Enterprises
Xi'an, China

pirit Valley Wine Company by MJC is one of the many success stories at H&H Wine Company. In addition to purchasing large quantities of boutique and high-profile California wine brands for their 1,200-store retail chain in China the MJC Principals also wanted to create five custom wine labels. They were delighted to find that not only does H&H Wine Company understand their business culture and speak fluent Mandarin, in addition to introducing them to several Napa wineries which they are now featuring in their stores and gift catalogue, we were also able to craft a customized, long-term strategy for growing their brands which included sourcing and purchasing bulk quantities of the best California wines, making several proprietary blends for their own 'Spirit Valley' label, as well as designing their labels and packaging. Of course, H&H Wine Company provided all the bottling, packing and shipping of the finished product to Shanghai. We turned what they thought was going to be a long, arduous string of cross-Pacific trips and meetings into a very pleasant Napa Valley and California wine-tasting tour.

Global Logistic Solutions
avior Beverage and Food Company had considered wine from France, Germany, Chile, South Africa, and Australia when selecting the best option for creating a wine brand for their grocery markets. Through H&H Wine Company's unmatched California global wine program the director's of CBFC came to Napa Valley from Cameroon, Africa to collaborate and create three labels of their own.
Global Logistics Expertise: In just their first order CBFC needed to expedite all three of their new labels to arrive in Cameroon in time be poured and enjoyed at the country's U.S. Embassy during the annual Fourth of July celcbration. Through H&H's extensive local and global logistics experience the wines were produced and passed through customs in time for the event.
CBFC has successfully expanded and improved their Cavior brands with multiple varietals in each 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 vintage releases as well as the introduction of their premium Wien brand line Mont Cavias and latest sparkling brand, Cavior Bubbly which features various flavors of lightly carbonated wines. Each step H&H worked hand in hand with CBFC using the industry's latest technologies and oldest practices.